Game-advertising platform Chartboost is hosting a mobile game hackathon in San Francisco this weekend, dangling an opportunity to snare micro-funding and workspace for game development, and potentially landing a job. Beginning with a launch party Friday night, the hackathon itself kicks off Saturday at 1 p.m.at StartupHQ and continues through Sunday at 5. Winners will be announced at 7.
What It Takes To Win
A three-judge panel will drill deep into the engineering aspect of each of the game developed, as well as evaluate its design and marketability and revenue potential, says Pepe Agell, Chartboost's head of business development. First place winners will receive a business launch package that includes $2,000 cash, a month's worth of free work space, a year of free cloud hosting and a session with a professional advice team. Sorry, prizes don't include sleep.
Two Bites at the Apple
Those wanting to take on even more challenge ought to consider another adventure during the event: A resume critique and mock job interview with Chartboost hiring manager Analytics Engineer Flavien Bessede. The mock interviews will take place before hackathon's official start on Satrurday. If you're interested, submit your resume to tiffany@chartboost.com by Friday. First-come, first-served. Here's the deal:
- Critiques and interviews may be written up on Dice. Don't worry -- we'll black out your name, phone number and email address. Bessede will mark up your resume with observations and suggestions. We'll post the resumes here on Dice so you and others can gain more understanding of how hiring managers think.
- A mock interview will be held Saturday between 11:30 am and 12:30 p.m. Participants will be videotaped and have a chance to hear Bessede's observations about their interviewing skills once the video is posted. Only first names will be used.
Update: The total cash prize for the 1st place winner is $2,000. Previously, the cash prize figure only reflected the contribution from one of the two cash prize sponsors.