Main image of article What Should We Be Doing Today to Win with AI in 3 Years?

You'd be forgiven for letting your eyes glaze over whenever you see another headline, blog post, or analyst report heralding the imminent AI revolution and what it can do for your business. 

While the transformative potential of AI is no longer a distant notion, the amorphous concept of "AI turbocharges your business" must be anchored to a solid foundation—one which only you can build. To position yourself for success in the AI-driven landscape of 2027, you must act now by taking concrete steps that will serve as your foundation for AI success a few years down the line. 

Let's look at the infrastructure—both technological and personal—in which you'll need to invest if you hope to harness AI's true power.  

Establishing a Robust Data Infrastructure 

Building a solid data infrastructure is like laying the foundation for a skyscraper: crucial to everything that comes after. Imagine trying to build the tallest building in the city on a shaky foundation; it wouldn’t stand a chance.  

AI is no different: It thrives on data, and the quality and accessibility of this data can make or break your AI projects. To get started, companies need to invest in advanced data collection systems that pull in information from everywhere—think customer interactions, transaction histories, and operational processes, just for starters. For example, we recently embarked on a project that analyzed our unstructured customer feedback for suggestions on improving our core messaging.  

But collecting data also isn’t enough; you need a place to store it. That’s where cloud-based solutions come in handy. They’re like having a massive, organized construction yard that’s spacious, scalable, and flexible, making it easy to manage and access large datasets—so long as you’ve secured the right cloud specialists and other tech talent to build out and maintain that infrastructure.  

Just as you wouldn’t build with substandard materials, your data needs to be clean and ready for AI to use. Integrating data management tools is essential, along with securing the services of data analysts, data scientists, and other experts who can effectively use those tools once they’re a part of the tech stack. These tools ensure your data is aggregated from various sources, cleaned, and prepped for analysis. With a strong data infrastructure, you’re setting the groundwork for your AI skyscraper to soar to the skies.  

Businesses should also focus on creating a culture of collaboration where data flows freely across departments, breaking down silos that can hinder AI’s effectiveness. Think of hiring a chief data officer (CDO) as a strategic move. 

A CDO can oversee data strategy, enforce data governance policies, and cultivate a culture of data-driven decision-making. The more people who understand the power of data to turbocharge your AI initiatives, the better.  

Investing in AI Talent and Training 

For any organization intent on building out their AI infrastructure, hiring a Chief Data Officer (CDO) is just the beginning. To truly succeed with AI, you need a team of skilled professionals who understand the ins and outs of the technology, its applications, and its potential rewards. As I mentioned previously, this means plotting the best way to build out a team of data scientists and other talent who can wrangle data, build out your storage and compute, and keep your AI momentum going.  

And don’t forget: your existing employees are the backbone of your business, and they need to be equipped to work alongside these new AI tools. If you don’t have the budget or bandwidth to hire and onboard all-new talent for an AI initiative, you can find considerable success in upskilling your existing staff. 

Start by offering training programs that are not just one-off sessions but ongoing learning opportunities. Consider creating workshops, online courses, and hands-on projects that allow your team to get comfortable with AI technologies. This could be anything from learning how to interpret AI-driven data analytics to understanding the basics of machine learning. 

I'd suggest setting up a mentorship program where your new AI experts can coach and guide other employees. This peer-to-peer learning can be incredibly effective, and employees will appreciate learning AI skills that can enhance their careers. 

The Rise of the CAIO 

And while we’re at it, let’s talk about the role of a Chief AI Officer (CAIO). This position is becoming more popular as businesses realize the need for a dedicated leader to oversee AI strategies. According to LinkedIn, the number of companies with a “Head of AI” role tripled between 2018 and 2023; major organizations such as PwC and SAP have appointed CAIOs to oversee their respective AI efforts.  

A CAIO can act as a bridge between the technical teams and business decision-makers, ensuring that AI projects align with your company’s goals and deliver real value. 

Your CAIO would be responsible for keeping up with the latest AI trends, steering your AI investments, and making sure that AI is integrated seamlessly into all aspects of the business. They’ll ensure that everyone is on the same page and moving in the right direction. 

Clear Strategy, Culture of Innovation  

Creating a culture that embraces AI starts at the top, but it’s the daily actions and attitudes of everyone in the company that make it stick. Encourage a mindset of curiosity and innovation. Celebrate small wins and learn from setbacks. This way, your team will not just adapt to AI but thrive with it. 

When you outline your plan for your team, you should outline the goals of AI adoption, pinpoint where AI can add the most value, and detail the steps needed to weave AI into the fabric of your business. Set realistic milestones that every team member can understand and act upon.  

At the same time, encourage your team to experiment and explore new AI applications, and support an environment where taking calculated risks is rewarded and learning from failures is seen as part of the growth process. Regular brainstorming sessions, workshops, and cross-functional teams will let ideas flow freely and spark innovative solutions. This constructive collaboration between departments can lead to breakthroughs that keep your organization at the forefront of this new technological era.  

A comprehensive AI strategy also includes ethical considerations and responsible development, much like ensuring your skyscraper is up to code and safe for all occupants. AI systems must be rigorously tested for data privacy and algorithmic bias before they go live to avoid any unintended consequences. 

Winning with AI in three years requires immediate and strategic action today. Establishing a robust data infrastructure, emphasizing data quality, investing in AI talent and training, fostering a culture of innovation and developing a clear AI strategy are all essential building blocks. 

Those who start building their AI foundation now will be the ones reaping the rewards in 2027. The time to act is now, and the sky's the limit.  


Here’s some takeaway advice as you proceed along your AI journey: 

  • Build a Strong Data Foundation: A robust data infrastructure is the cornerstone of successful AI implementation. Invest in advanced data collection systems to gather comprehensive information from various sources. Store and manage this data efficiently using cloud-based solutions and data management tools. Ensure data quality, accessibility, and security through proper cleaning and preparation. Foster a data-driven culture by breaking down silos and considering the appointment of a Chief Data Officer (CDO) to oversee data strategy and governance. 

  • Cultivate AI Talent and Expertise: Building a skilled AI team is crucial. Hire data scientists and other AI specialists to drive your initiatives. Simultaneously, upskill your existing workforce through training programs and mentorship opportunities. Consider the role of a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) to bridge the gap between technical teams and business leaders. A CAIO can guide AI investments and ensure alignment with organizational goals. 
  • Foster a Culture of Innovation: Create a workplace environment that encourages experimentation, risk-taking, and learning. Break down barriers between departments to foster collaboration and idea sharing. Communicate a clear AI strategy with defined goals and milestones. Encourage employees to explore new AI applications and celebrate successes. Remember to prioritize ethical AI development and testing. 
  • Act Now for Future Success: The benefits of AI are significant, but realizing them requires proactive action. Start building your AI foundation today by investing in data infrastructure, talent, and a supportive culture. By taking these steps now, your organization will be well-positioned to reap the rewards of AI in the coming years. 

This is Part 9 of my series: From Calculated Risks to Quantum Leaps: Charting the Course for Tech Talent in Flux. You can read the previous article here.