Texas A&M San - Antonio has introduced a $10,000 bachelor's degree program targeting area students interested in technology careers. The program allows students to begin taking college courses during their junior year of high school, according to the Daily Texan. By completing them before graduation, they avoid the tuition costs the same classes would require in college. Students must also take two years of classes at San Antonio College, an area community college that specializes in IT. Texas A&M spokesperson Jillian Reddish notes that the region is home to a growing number of technology jobs. “This program is bringing in a pretty high caliber of students who are already thinking about their future plans,” Reddish told the Texan. “Because we have such a high demand in San Antonio for technology jobs, many of the schools here have laid groundwork to create well-qualified graduates in these sectors,” she said. Would a program like this help push you over the edge into getting a technology degree? Tell us what you think in the comments below.