Last week, Apple became the latest tech company to issue a diversity report, following in the footsteps of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, and others. In a statement accompanying the data, Apple CEO Tim Cook voiced his displeasure about his firm’s makeup, which is overwhelmingly white and male: “I’m not satisfied with the numbers… They’re not new to us, and we’ve been working hard for quite some time to improve them."
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Now that these tech companies’ diversity numbers are public, front-end developer Nick Heer has assembled all that data into tables on his Pixel Envy blog (hat tip to Daring Fireball for surfacing the link). When arranged in side-by-side columns, that data paints a picture of tech giants that look remarkably similar, at least when it comes to ethnicity and gender among tech workers. Here’s his chart for gender. ("Yahoo is the only company that has an 'other/not disclosed' option," is his note on that company's numbers.) And here’s his chart for ethnicity: “It will come as no surprise that all of these companies are boys’ clubs, particularly tech workers and those in leadership roles,” Heer wrote. “This is one of the biggest issues facing the tech industry right now.” Tim Cook might be disappointed, but Apple isn’t alone.
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Images: Rawpixel, Pixel Envy