Organizations everywhere need software engineers and developers. That’s the one clear takeaway from the latest CompTIA jobs report, which breaks down tech-industry hiring every month.
IT support specialists, project managers, and systems and network engineers/architects also continued to draw a ton of hiring attention, as you can see from the following breakdown:
Meanwhile, the overall tech unemployment rate hit 1.7 percent in July, down from 1.8 percent in June. Tech industry employment has increased by 143,700 jobs in 2022, which translates into a year-over-year increase of 55 percent. In a bit of good news for those just starting out their tech careers, CompTIA found that one in five tech job postings “were for positions requiring two years or less of experience,” while roughly half wanted three to five years of experience.
Although there’s been a lot of chatter about hiring freezes and even layoffs at tech giants (including Oracle and Meta) and startups (particularly in fintech), organizations everywhere continue to hire lots of tech talent. They need software developers and engineers to build all kinds of front- and back-end systems; project managers to handle everything; network engineers and sysadmins to ensure the tech stack stays running; and IT support folks to extinguish any end-user fires that erupt.
That’s a lot of different jobs with wildly varying skill-sets. If you’re interested in learning software development, it always pays to start small; build a simple app or website before graduating to larger projects. Your educational path (i.e., traditional school, bootcamp, or self-learning) will also expose you to different tools, languages, and theories of software development. With these other tech jobs, it’s a similar arc—start simple, and focus on the basics before you begin adding complexity.