Legend has it that a “10x engineer” is more talented or intellectually gifted, which allows them to be as productive as 10 “regular” software developers.
But in reality, it's not always the smartest professionals who rise to the top, but practical people who adopt and apply specific practices, mindsets and habits that allow them to do more work in less time.
Given the recent staff cuts and the increasingly competitive job market, being as efficient as possible is more important than ever. Following these eight tips will help you sharpen your focus, ditch distractions, and optimize both your efficiency and your effectiveness.
Develop an ‘Investor’s Mindset’
The difference between top performers and average ones comes down to the issue of mindset, explained Michael Lin, a thought leader on “10x” engineers and CEO of All-In Consulting, a software development agency. The best engineers think like investors, not builders.
“They don’t focus on the hottest new thing, or spend hours building complicated features,” Lin said. They intentionally put their time and effort toward tasks and projects that deliver the highest return and value to internal and external customers.
Even developers who work on assigned tasks have some autonomy over their work, Lin pointed out. Weigh the opportunity costs. Of all the features you could build, ask yourself if this one is the best use of your time.
Use the Right Tools
Less productive engineers dive head-first into coding. They stick with the tools they know and try to make them fit in every situation.
They spend almost no time looking at other alternatives, or whether it’s possible to do the job without writing any code at all. Using the right tool is the difference between laboring for weeks and finishing a task in 10 minutes.
Stop Writing Extra Code
Let the database do the heavy lifting.
Write queries instead of code, noted Taylor Troesh, senior software engineer and essayist at taylor.town. Do as much as possible in the database, where everything is cheap and transaction safe, he added. If you really want to become more efficient, find ways to write and edit as little code as possible.
Top performers also opt for the simplest solution. Instead of building complicated features, they spend half the time on a simple copy change that delivers more revenue, bottom line savings and value.
Speaking of code, you can also become more efficient by removing unnecessary and excess code. Troesch suggests that you destroy any code that is annoying to work with. Remove it from your system before it becomes foundational, or its mental models will spread throughout your system.
Ask for Help
Rather than spending an hour stewing over the same lines of code in frustration, take five minutes to consult with a teammate. Knowing how to ask the right teammate the right questions when you’re stuck and being open to adopting their best practices can boost your efficiency.
Master Time Management
What’s special about “10x” engineers is their time management. They avoid superfluous meetings, communicate effectively, and use time blocking and routines to dedicate time to priority tasks.
Top developers stay organized. They break big tasks into small chunks so they can estimate how long a project will take and focus on the most important tasks first. While this may seem obvious, always make sure that your time allocation matches your priorities to maximize your efficiency.
Your work environment matters, too. One study showed that developers who perform better tend to gravitate toward organizations that provide a better workplace in terms of quiet, space and privacy.
Consider The Big Picture
Highly effective software engineers think three to four steps down the road. They see the big picture and understand how each component or feature they develop will impact end users, the company, and the community. They avoid future issues, and eliminate rework, by thinking long term.
Eliminate Defects
Because they go out of their way to understand the requirements from the outset, test their code as they go, and refactor and optimize continuously, 10x engineers develop new features in less time with fewer errors and defects than average engineers. In fact, the best developers also put security first when they design, architect and/or code a solution.
“10x-ers” are always honing their craft. They work on side projects and strive to perfect their coding skills and balance quality with speed.
Elevate the Work of Others
Developing software is a team sport. Great engineers are not only top performers themselves; they elevate the work of everyone around them by offering mentorship, tips and best practices, Lin noted.
Being surrounded by capable teammates who meet or exceed expectations benefits everyone’s performance.