In late February, recruiting expert Stacy Zapar collaborated with Dice on a Webinar that explored social recruiting trends. Topics covered included sourcing tools and techniques; employer branding strategies designed to attract top talent; and how to leverage crowdsourcing to get the recruiting results you need. Why is social so key? The trick isn’t finding candidates; it’s getting them to respond to your recruiting messages. Social channels present an optimum opportunity for outreach and engagement that just can’t be beat—so long as you craft the right message. Before you can craft an appropriate message, though, you need to do your homework. Invest a few minutes in researching the candidate; even a quick survey of their social-media profiles can yield a treasure trove of information about their background, experience, and skills. Next, make sure to personalize your message. Why are you reaching out to this candidate in particular? What about their skills or background makes them suited for the role? If you share something in common with the candidate—perhaps you both went to the same school, or worked at the same company at the same time—make sure to call out that uncommon commonality. Make sure the message focuses on the candidate and their career, not you and your recruiting needs. And be sure to keep it short and sweet; when it comes to social, brevity is key. The Webinar offered much more, including an example of how exactly to tailor a social-media message, and advice on how to follow up with a prospective candidate. You can check out the replay via the video below: Or skim through the Webinar slides below: